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Cacao Practitioner

Training Program

Online - Dates to be confirmed

A 5-Week Empowering Immersion into Cacao Ritual

Are you ready to create a potent and sentient connection with the power of your Heart?

Do you feel ready to regain a deeper connection with the Earth, with ritual and with the body?

Do you want to learn about guiding rituals with respect for the Cacao medicine, and hold space for your process and the process of others?

Join Cacao medicine carrier Shadi Terra on a guided transformative journey to find a deeper connection with the ancestral plant teacher of Cacao.

The course is held in an empowering ceremonial framework designed by Shadi, who's been hosting Cacao rituals for 8 years and lives in Guatemala, in deep connection with the land and the local Mayan elders.

During this 5-week program, we'll offer you a unique mix of teachings, transmissions, seminars, tools and rituals to guide you deeper into your own wisdom and truth.

The course will give you tools, community, and connection with the plant teacher, so you will feel adept at journeying with it, and eventually facilitate your own Cacao event with knowledge, care and responsibility.

About the Training

One Spirit’s Cacao Practitioner Training aims to bring both people who are experienced and people who are new to Cacao the necessary foundations of Cacao ritual in a playful and interactive way.

During this training, aspiring as well as active Cacao facilitators will gain a deep understanding and connection with ceremonial  Cacao as a plant medicine.

This 5-week journey offers you the necessary knowledge and tools to be able to work with Cacao in a responsible way, while honoring the medicine, the land  and the culture it originates from.

"This training will help you create an ongoing deep connection with ceremonial Cacao and offer you the confidence, knowledge and tools to hold empowering ceremonies."

During this guided transformational journey, we will co-create a ritual space to receive the joyful and powerful teachings of Cacao. This process will invite a deeper knowing of ourselves, and offers us the space to come home into the love and care of our own Hearts. In this space we can feel solid in our love and make empowered decisions to truly thrive in this world.

The intention of our training is to assist you, as a sentient being, in connecting deeply with your unique expression of Love, the Cacao medicine, and with your own capacity to hold space for your process and the collective process of transformation at this powerful time on the planet. Supported by Cacao as your ally.

“An invaluable experience offering Cacao lovers and ceremonialists the opportunity to dive deep with the ancestral medicine in a fun, supported, transformative and playful way."

Course Buildup

The Cacao Practitioner Training is built up in a way that will fully allow you to connect to Cacao's energy as well as gain all the information you need to host Cacao rituals with love and care for yourself and your participants. We will guide you through a shamanic 5-week process of personal growth, Cacao connection and loving empowerment.

transformational light worker cacao training

The course is built up of four segments: Sunday live sessions, interactive homework assignments that you can complete throughout the week, mid-week voluntary support calls, and an extensive training Facebook group. If you are unable to attend the live sessions, recordings will be made available shortly after each live call.

Each of the live sessions will involve the ritual drinking of Cacao with guided meditations and interactive transmissions, for you to allow a deeper connection with the Cacao's spirit. In between each training module, you will have the opportunity to connect in smaller groups to offer and receive support. Throughout the training, you will have access to a set of powerful growth tools available in the training's Facebook platform. After the training, you will have access to all the live session recordings (not the support calls), and you will be able to stay connected to a network of inspired Cacao practitioners who support each other's process and work.

About the Facilitator

Shadi Terra

Shadi grew up in Belgium and has been living in Guatemala, in deep connection with the land, for about 8 years. They traveled nomadically all over Latin America for many years, soaking in deeply the land-based cultures of this planet while reclaiming their own body's wisdom and ways. Shadi spent quite some time in India during which they trained to be a Yoga teacher and Reiki master. They traveled to numerous sacred sites all over Europe and the Americas, in reverence of the ancient knowing they offer, and started hosting ceremonial travels for groups back in 2018.

Shadi identifies as gender fluid, pansexual and ecosexual, and feels most at home in nature. They love expressing themselves through devotional singing, dancing, in service at rituals, and while guiding groups with the ancestral Mayan Cacao medicine, in which they have been initiated by local wisdom keepers.

Shadi has been studying Mayan cosmology with wisdom keeper Francisco Puac for about 5 years, and has sat in countless Mayan fire rituals at the ceremonial sites of Guatemala, nourishing a deep connection to the land and its wisdom. They have journeyed extensively in Cacao ritual with Cacao shaman Keith Wilson at Lake Atitlan since 2014, and continue to share the powerful Cacao medicine in their own unique way.

Shadi organizes and assists ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) trainings in Guatemala, Mexico and Belgium.

shadi henau cacao facilitator belgium guatemala
shadi henau cacao facilitator belgium guatemala

What People are Saying

"The facilitators were so open, honest, authentic, and so much fun. The training was a true gift; it was so much more than I expected!"

- Henriëtte

"For me it was really easy to feel safe and involved in this course, with the facilitators and with the content. I love witnessing you in the power of who you are. You have a very special and authentic way of hosting circles, and this inspires me. I'm very pleased to get to know you and the work you are providing to the world. Much gratitute."

- Petronella

"Personally it altered my conscious awareness, from always up in my head, to bringing the center of my awareness to my body, all the way down to my hips. It has provided me a path of service to the world, enabling people to experience their love for selves and others."

- Erik

"The facilitators are very inspired speakers; you can feel that they share their own experiences with you!"

- Irene

Did you connect with ceremonial Cacao and feel like you want to work with it in a responsible and creative way?

Do you feel ready to support humanity regain a deeper connection with the Earth, with ritual and with the body?

Do you want to learn about guiding a ritual with respect for the Cacao medicine, and learn to hold space for your process and the process of your participants as they journey with Cacao?

>>> Practical

This 5-week Cacao Practitioner Training will take place online with weekly 3,5-hour Zoom sessions on Sundays, and voluntary support calls throughout the week. If you are unable to attend the live sessions, you will have access to the sessions' recordings. Each week there will also be tailored interactive homework assignments, which will be shared and explained during the live calls. There will be an extensive Facebook group which will serve as our course platform, community connection and support space.

>>> Dates & Times

Dates & times for 2024 edition of the training to be confirmed

>>> Pricing


>>> What’s Included?


  • 5 weeks of guided self-empowering journey, designed and led by Cacao facilitator Shadi Terra.
  • One pound (11 portions) of ceremonial Cacao delivered to your door. We will invite you to ritually drink Cacao at the start of each live session. You will also receive a discount code for further Cacao purchases. Depending on where you live, additional shipping costs may be charged.
  • 5 live sessions where you will learn about Cacao history, ceremony, hosting your own sessions + receive transmissions and guided meditations to help you become more empowered in your connection to Cacao
  • Lifetime access to recordings of all the live sessions (not the support calls)
  • Voluntary mid-week zoom calls to share your process and receive support from your peers
  • The new and updated One Spirit Cacao Practitioner Manual
  • Access to the interactive Facebook group where you will receive support and opportunities to network with other Cacao practitioners, during and after the training.
Sign Up Now
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