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Chocolate as a Spirit Teacher

How Cacao and sitting in ceremony helped me open up to my depth of emotion

emotional processing cacao ceremony

As I arrived at the ceremony my heart felt a little unstable. I felt a real excitement, and at the same time a slightly confronting nervousness, all brought together by an underlying sense of trust and comfort which made me stay with myself. I just observed, and did not feel the need to socialize. The group was simply waiting and some people talked or made jokes, but most of us just basked in the unknowing peace that we’re coming into ceremony, soon with a cup of hot Cacao in our hands, celebrating existence in all its ways. Many of us knew what it was about by now – or at least they had an idea – but not me. This was the first time I was here on the 'Cacao porch' in San Marcos la Laguna, Guatemala, and I silently sat in a corner of the porch full of expectation and generous surrender to what the afternoon might bring. It was about 12:30, and more people kept coming in, and somehow managed to find their spot on the now crowded and messy porch which was circled by small benches also full of people. We were about ready, as ready as we could be…

During the very entertaining intro we had already set intentions and started drinking chocolate, and the effect came on quick! For me anyway: after about ten minutes into the ceremony a deep hurt came to the light and I went into a soothing release of long-held sadness. Life was good. Letting sadness out can be such a journey, as together with the release of one feeling often come accompanied a whole array of undefineable and deeply unrecognized emotions. A true roller coaster of attunement to a more spacious and playful reality. As one feeling is experienced, more depth of emotion can be accessed and can be released, and everybody benefits. The group, the Earth, all of our relations. Emotion is power, raw strength that is often repressed in society, but allowing that pure essence to come through is an undefinable experience which happens in co-creation with everyone present in the space, as well as many relations outside of the direct environment. It opens space for reconnection with ancient knowledge which is so natural, but we chose to forget. And forgetting can be painful, so opening that space for reconnection is such a gift for all that we are. As we open doors for new energies to come in, we attune each other in mysterious ways. It is a true gift to go through these old layers of pain and forgetfulness.

Over the following months I went to numerous Cacao ceremonies and started to understand at a deeper level the power of emotion. Growing up in a very mentally-oriented society and not really having cultivated very much my creative aspects as a child, it was a true gift to be able to reconnect to an essential part of myself long forgotten and misunderstood, or maybe even neglected. Cacao is a true heart opener and it showed me the strength of love, a power very different from what I had previously believed love was. An effortless, infinite force which knows no enemy, because it is simply not physically possible for anything to work against something so heart-centered and powerful. A great deal of trying to understand went into one specific ceremony where my hands kept buzzing with radiant blessings, opening and closing as my breath went in and out. The moment I tried to understand it, the energy stopped and my hands would remain still. And every moment when I wanted, I could go back into surrender, meaning not understanding, and that love power would blow out of my hands and heart again.

Sometimes I would go through a number of different intense emotional releases in one ceremony, shifting through the whole array of feeling in order to reconnect to my inner strength, which gave me such an amount of insight into life's secrets and I did finally feel that all of existence is perfect and nothing else.

The insights and healing come when the time is there, and when the body and the awareness are ready to shift. There is no set time for this to happen, it does when it does. And ultimately we do it all together. All of us beings here on Earth are intimately connected in the powerful web of existence that is Oneness, and finding the time and space - and willingness - to go inside and be a tool of the divine is just an unbelievably beautiful and rewarding experience. Such a paradox: as we 'selfishly' create space to 'selflessly' process we can process feeling and create more love all around and inside.

We are all one, and every single one opening their heart for more goodness to come in (and yes, sometimes that means some rubbish has to go out) means more goodness can come in for everyone. That’s how beautiful it is: every one wins! And so we create a new reality which is more enjoyable and more together, as we were meant to experience here on Earth. And so we create, with or without Cacao.

Of course emotional release is just another stage in human and personal evolution, and an interesting one too. Once we become aware that there is a subconscious tendency for us to want to see our hurt for it to move out, we can choose to own our feelings and process them consciously. We then step out of blaming and we can go inside, where we learn to hold space for our own emotional release, or go to a held space like the Cacao ceremonies I am talking about. For me personally, the safety of a held space is very powerful because we evolve in a group, and it slowly taught me to hold space for myself when I needed to release something. Then, after releasing it, once the energy has moved, life force flows again and I can see life in a harmonious and pleasant way. Often, only after the emotional release the insight comes, or simultaneously. That’s why it’s so good to just go in to it, not knowing what is there to be felt or seen. It is the only way, really, and life will keep showing us the most direct route to reconnection to self. Surrender is the way to get there. Surrender as in: no clue whatsoever what is going to happen. Surrendering expecting something to happen does not do anything, because it’s not surrender. There’s still an expected outcome. It might not be an easy task, to surrender. I’d highly recommend not to give it too much thought… ;)

So far for a short introduction on how I experienced the Cacao medicine (which was intentionally selected, processed and prepared - so very different from regular eating chocolate) and the possibilities it carries for human evolution. We create access to an ancient knowing which has been inside of us since forever. The act of digging deep is powerful, and there is no right or wrong way, but for me the path of connecting with Cacao as a plant teacher has been very rewarding, and enjoyable.

Find out more about Cacao as a Spirit Teacher through Keith Wilson (a.k.a. the Cacao Shaman) and his partner Barbara's blog page or through

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By Shadi Henau 25 Feb, 2022
This morning I woke up to a dream of grown-up babies of all different ethnicities and skin colors being born and sitting in a circle, naked. It felt that the birth of the white/Caucasian person was particularly painful and difficult in my dream, while the other ethnicities were already sitting in the circle. I’m not sure what exactly to make of it but as the world’s current events unfold I find it powerful to see how so much of the impact on this planet and its people is directed by the hands of a few immature and greedy. A limited number of predominantly white Caucasian humans are the heirs of a dysfunctional mindset that with their disconnection from Real Life on Earth tries to maintain a power-over structure that a majority of humans in urbanized and industrialized areas are - also through their cultural heritage - bound into. Large-scale indoctrination and mind-control are common practice now more than ever, as digital technology allows for behavioral data and population’s feedback to be more available to the entities that have an interest in using it. It seems to me that a real birth process in the global North’s collective consciousness is taking place. The white person in my dream is trying to join the circle of Humans OF this Planet. Instead of humans on this planet. The symbolic inner colonizer is waking up to the reality that it’s not able to maintain power over its body, its world and its environment just to maintain an idea that there is not enough to survive on this planet. Life itself is the treasure. The abundant, ever-growing and hyper-diverse nature of Earth and Cosmos is the blessing. The potential to live in harmony with them and as them is where true satisfaction and purpose exists. All the events taking place in global politics make me see even more how such a small group of people keeps trying to make the world their chess board, whatever the reason for their desire to play that game may be. And I’m also starting to see how each person on Earth has the powerful potential of choice-making to walk with integrity their own path, loose from the bonds and identity of being a part of a production and extraction-based machine. The social pressure of having to care and be a part of what the game of global industrialists play can stand in the way of that true soul desire of playing on Earth. And at the same time it’s such a powerful initiation to live on this Earth here and now, navigating the unique reality our soul has chosen to explore in this lifetime. To a certain extent we are all under the influence of the impact and choices governments and corporatocracy make. A spicy reality to navigate, and one that can offer us many learnings and blessings. To me it really feels like a birth process is taking place. Contractions are happening. Things are feeling scary and exciting. I hope we will be able to have a birth at home, with a trained midwife and a warm bath, and not have to get to the emergency room for a potentially painful and hard delivery. The main question this brings up is: who will be the midwife? I really believe 70 to 80% of the world’s people have an intention to live in peace with themselves, their environment and this world. To truly be in joy as a child of this planet. And we have so many wounds and conditionings that stand in the way of the manifestation and expression of the simple wisdom that living in connection offers us. The ways most humans have been taught to live, for such a long time already, is based on trauma. 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By Shadi Henau 08 Dec, 2019
Tired of being consumed by modern society? Here’s ten ways to take steps into a more balanced way of living: 1) Relax in the moment Being present and aware in this moment is the biggest and most important act of evolution we can be. A consumerist society tells us there is something lacking, and that by doing something, buying stuff and trying to aim for something else than what we have, we will make things right. Just like the distorted ways of mass religions told us to pay and pray for being forgiven to make up for non-existing sins. It is easy to get stuck in the hamster wheel of needing more, running around and doing things in order to satisfy your needs. Relaxing and being present with the moment is your strength. It is you saying: I am already fine with myself, how I feel and what I have, and I don’t need to prove or change anything about me to be a worthy and respected human being. Learn to relax, and to bathe in the knowing that you are and have enough. You will learn to receive, and in the receiving actually allow abundance to become real in THIS moment. This truly is a paradigm shift. Some people have the tendency to continue running towards something or away from something because otherwise they could experience a lack of money and their survival will be threatened. That’s where the next point comes in. 2) Give yourself space when you need something Take your time to decide on buying, eating, drinking or consuming something. It can be fun to buy things, and the satisfaction is often short-lived. Make the distinction between consuming and investing. Will this service or product serve as an investment for your happiness and empowerment? Or is it just an impulse that will help you cover up something? May there be an uncomfortable feeling or thought driving you to buy this item? Of course there are many things we need in life, and putting yourself short of those things may not be necessary, yet it is a powerful skill to be able to discern which purchases are of true value in an environment which is constructed out of a lack paradigm, out to make us consume all the time, missing the true beauty and essence of this ever-present moment. 3) Learn to follow your bliss This is another act of revolution that is deeply valuable. Life seems to be a hard mission in many places. Our investment in an old-fashioned paradigm that supposedly keeps us safe is often expected from our environment, an environment which is used to the status quo reality. Where would you like your energy to go to? As a sovereign being, do you allow yourself to feel deeply the value and power of YOUR time? Where our energy is focused on is what we usually create. If we deeply feel the RIGHT choice, by tuning in to what exites us most, synchronicities will manifest as we bring in the energy that is aligned with ours in this moment. It's like a magnetic effect that simply creates the same frequency energetic templates, and thus allows for space to have those connections and energies to show up in the physical reality too. Take time to choose FOR yourself, and allow yourself to take small steps to trust your gut feeling for even small things. Do not fear that you will manifest ‘bad’ things if you feel bad. The things you wish for may be slower to come into your life, as you are creating more energetic distance between how you feel when you have those things and how you are feeling now. Be bold, and choose for yourself. 4) We all have enough to thrive It’s not because you choose for yourself that another loses. On the contrary: deep down, they will feel your authentic alignment and may be able to create their own version of that vibration for themselves, by themselves. It might feel like you are being selfish at first, but choosing for your highest excitement is an act of generosity and empowerment for yourself and the ones around you. How can someone truly benefit from your presence or from a favor they are asking you, if you are not really willing or able to truly give it to them? Similarly, if you are following your highest excitement, others may vibrationally align with what you are putting out. 5) Respect the old so you can welcome the new There is no way you can be free from something you’re unhappy with if you are giving it your energy. I once read that in order for the wolf to save its cub from the enemy, it would have to keep the cub in its mouth and focus on its mission of saving its offspring. Had it chosen to fight the attacker, her cub would have fallen on the ground and might have been dead as a result. The ways on which the ‘modern-day’ societies are built are simply out of alignment. They have their value, but more and more people are understanding that life itself is simply not supported by the ways consumer-based structures operate. It can be a painful and often confusing paradox to be tuned in to a deeper understanding of existence and to simultaneously be surrounded by the desperate attempts of consumer politics to keep at bay the true expression of humans, and the amazing potential we all hold as a society. Change is the only constant in life, so welcome the new ways that we are all co-creating in this time, and understand that the old systems are being transformed as more and more of us take the jump to personal empowerment. Old systems, just as old belief systems inside of our personal and/or collective consciousness, were adopted during a time when they made sense, in or before this lifetime. As we create new ways through our personal journeys, more and more alternatives become available for the population of this world at large. Like this, energetically the collective energy field of our planet becomes more ready and receptive for the embrace of what we came here to birth: a life that supports the true expression of love. Step by step, by doing the inner work and allowing the outside reality to adapt, we can feel more and more at home on this amazing planet called Earth. Then there can be only love for the ways that brought us here, because without them we wouldn't. 6) Feeling is healing Feeling is healing, healing is dealing. That’s a quote from a book by Barbara Marciniak, and it’s always been with me since a good friend emphasized the line while we were sitting in a forest on Mount Shasta, California. By allowing our feelings to exist, we can be channels of energy that we are created to be in this body. Emotion is ‘energy in motion,’ so when you think that feeling means you are weak, be sure that that’s an old paradigm belief system trying to hold you down. Feeling means you are powered up by your life force, connected in the great web of energetic intelligence that sparks all of life. The body knows this, because it is designed to be that channel, but old paradigm programs of disempowerment will tell us that showing emotions means you are weak. Another lie that represents the distortions of modern-day society that we will let go of in the big purge, as we evolve into a more empowered life form. It could be said that the long-time repression of feeling may spark powerful volcanic eruptions in our emotional being for a period of time, as we ‘detox’ and our power awakens. It's good to understand that this is a process that you can speed up by following your bliss and raising your vibration, but his may be hard at first as long as the emotions are very strong. Giving yourself time to process feelings without expectation or 'management', as well as allowing for fun and amazing experiences to show themselves through choosing your highest excitement work hand in hand. We recommend learning some tools for emotional processing and offering yourself the space to move thorugh them as needed. 7) Healing is access 'So what is all this healing really leading to?' - 'Do I need to be healed?' - etc. - are questions you may ask yourself. The answer is no, you don't need to. Many people think healing is something heavy, something you have to undergo for long years full of suffering until you finally reach your goal and everything is good, easy and safe. Forever... Big joke - here's why: The universe is conspiring with us at all times, as we are a cell of it creating life through it. If we choose to believe healing is pain, then it will be that. It also seems to me that this is an old belief that stems from years of trauma and suffering in our civilization’s collective consciousness. In the new paradigm, though, we understand that everything is here to help us, and the funny thing is that love always wins. It is designed that way. In this sense, love works magnetically, and resisting its pull can ask for a great deal of energy. Healing is access to the bigger you, to the power of love that exists within you, the one who is already aligned with the cosmic oneness and their soul's reality. Healing means creating access to our spiritual nature, and there is a lot of fun and bliss involved in that, once we fully own who we are and what we came here to be. Once we accept that and lovingly own our power and potential, love can unfold itself ever more beautifully through our being, in every day. So yes, healing is fun. And it's also hard work as we move through the trauma and do the inner work necessary for the fulness of our being to embody this life again. 8) Learn to speak the language of love Words are precious, and it is good to use them in that way. We’ve been taught to communicate and think in words only, yet love speaks in many ways. Spoken and written language are some aspects of that, but words might often take away from the deeper meaning of things. They might put an experience or feeling into a box, turning them into something defined. Although that might be useful in many ways, it’s also lovely to enjoy the ever-changing nature of existence through feeling it, and allowing the conditioned mind to not define/confine the reality you are experiencing for a moment. You may find that your body and heart are in constant communication with all that is. The conditioned mind may not be aware of this communication of love and spirit that is all the time happening; it merely knows how to play in the reality it was taught to operate in. As we become more present in our body we can experience more of the endless array of feelings and wisdom that is all around, and that can be channeled into words. But it will still be an approximation. Sometimes it can be helpful to keep some of that wisdom in the untold space, not turning it in to something mental and limited using words. Like this you can abide in that space, and then your word will be more valuable when you are using it. 9) Create abundantly You are and always have been a creator. That’s who you are because you are a part of creation. Everything is always expanding and evolving, creating itself. Because you exist you are a part of that, so you are constantly creating with creation. Your reality is a personal creation, decided on during and before this life. Aligning your actions with your highest excitement will make the creative process more effortless, as you feel that you bring in more of your completely unique essence. Even better: you will be overflowing with inspired energy that charges you, and cannot be restrained. In that energy flow, creating HAS to be abundant, and you do it simply by showing up and being yourself exactly as you know you are. Once you are in that flow, there is no way creation can be stopped. Love always wins. When creation becomes co-creation as we are aligning with others who are in the same flow, our creations grow exponentially: the result is more than the sum of its parts. 10) Breathe and smile Respiration means re-spiriting yourself. Aspiring something is breathing for it, living for it. Being that what you aspire in every breath. When life becomes hard, your breath is always there. It is the hand of spirit held out for you to grab and be guided and loved, so you can come back home inside with the spirit present. Without spiritual connection we have lost our nature, where we are coming from. Life force energy stops to flow... We embodied in flesh and bones and created a journey in density for ourselves, embodying into duality. Yet all is always one, past light and dark, so remember to breathe into that space and enjoy the ride. You’ve got this!
By Shadi Henau 18 Jul, 2019
When I first started studying with Francisco Puac - Maya cosmovision teacher and wisdom keeper at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – I wasn’t entirely sure about what to call the Maya temples. People call them ruins, archaeological sites, ancient cities or sometimes temples. My teacher told me he prefers the name ‘ceremonial site’. Sure, these sites were cities where high numbers of people lived, and also they are massive energetic centers. Here’s why: the Maya temples were physical reflections of the extensive and expansive cosmic knowledge the Maya culture had developed. Their priests had journeyed in realms out of the physical and brought back knowledge about the architecture of the cosmos. They then translated the knowledge into a tangible structure for human awareness. This translated itself on numerous levels: the different Mayan calendars (one of which, the ceremonial count, is 260 days long and helps to attune ritual and human consciousness to the larger cosmic cycles), the Mayan mathematical system (based on the number 20), physical architectural concepts representing the layout of the cosmic energies, as well as advanced agricultural systems. They also documented a lot of this knowledge (and myths representing it) using their evolving glyph writing, much of those scriptures burnt and decimated by the Spanish invader. Before the domineering force of the dysfunctional patriarchal archetype decided to rule over earth, almost all the cultures on earth have been venerating a wisdom inherent to earth. A wisdom with true energetic power that was sacred and aware. The patriarchal forces somehow decided to undermine this sacred energy and cause havoc in the repression of its power. They have gone to great length in a long-standing effort to dominate a power that, if it is honored, creates harmony, balance and grounding, and it becomes a joy for the awareness to be of service to this energy. Ancient cultures were very much in tune with this, and they held sacred the so-called dark energy of the earth. The same energy that has been shamed, repressed and made bad by the church and the patriarchy for many years, leaving aimless the consciousness that is wanting to evolve together with this sacred power it is trying to dance with. As we tune in to the power of our consciousness to serve love and evolve with it, we can start to soar. There is nothing better than that; there is nothing more fascinating and captivating than serving love. The service to love becomes an anchor for life to create through us the world we have chosen to incarnate in, but cannot see reflected yet as most people are tuned in to parasite consciousness as provided by the consumer model that creates an artificial sense of scarcity and urgency to perform or survive. Through ritual we can again connect to the true values of life such as connection, brother/sisterhood, creativity, peace, gratitude, connection and even bliss. We can connect to the rhythm and the pace of organic evolution, as deep down we have always known it to exist. Many of the earth’s cultures have consciously lived the dual nature of spirit in body, and have understood that there only is real depth to existence when all polarities are honored and able to work together. They created ritual spaces to thank the ancient knowledge that was alive in the earth and the ether, and to communicate with them. And they created huge ceremonial centers for doing so. Look at the pyramids of the ancient Egyptians, the goddess temples of the Mediterranean legacies, the stone circles and power spots all over North Western Europe, the immense amounts of ceremonial sites all over the American continent and countless temples all around Asia. And then of course all the nature sanctuaries and native altars - known and unknown to us - all over this globe. Ceremony has been a formal and informal part of human connection, and a big part of our identity as ‘earth beings’. Rituals are a place of remembrance and honor to who we are: part of a big breathing organism (earth) and part of a great cosmic web that always evolves. We are intimately connected with the rhythms and cycles of both earth and cosmos, and the Maya’s knew this through their astral journeys out of the body. They then created a tangible structure for tuning in to the cosmic and earthly rhythms. The Ceremonial Sites are massive places to offer rituals and honor the all-that-is that lives through us, and a reflection of that cosmic knowledge engrained in the earth. They then were super charged by many rituals and the intention they carried. This can be perceived very much when visiting the sacred sites. Nowadays, many of the temples of the world have been forgotten. Many sacred sites are now called ‘archaeological zones’ or even ‘ruins’. They have even, in the most intense cases, become tourist attractions that mindlessly negate the true purpose and power of these places. The often needed income for the locals of these places, together with a global sense of disconnection and commercialization have turned these sites into profitable ventures. Guides will gladly explain archaeological facts and finds and entertain visitors, but the deep veneration of the wisdom, and the intimacy of the spirits of these places has been forgotten by a culture of parasite consumerism, and is now often not felt or understood. What we aim to do during our sacred site travels, is to journey back to the place before that. We come with an intention to honor the sacred energies and embrace the gifts we may have for each other: they for us and we for them. At the temples, we create a short ritual using traditional ceremonial offerings, led by a local elder who knows the sites well. We offer our time and presence, our energy, to the sacred sites (luckily no human offerings J) where deep transformation may take place. We engage in a more in-depth interaction with the sacred sites and their spirits, and visit the place in a meditative and gentle way. For this reason, we usually go there on weekdays and arrive early, so the energy of the place can be felt properly before the arrival of more tourists. We also visit small sites and unknown places of power in different places and cultural areas of Guatemala, as an inquiry to the different ways the Maya-cosmovision and tradition have taken shape in contemporary daily life within the culture. The ancient spirits of the land are present in any place on earth, whether in sacred sites or not. Whether in Guatemala or Zimbabwe or Russia or the Netherlands. They live and breathe the essence of a place, and wish to assist the people of that place with their transformational power. For that, they have to be remembered. Ritual and pilgrimage have been a way to do this since ancient times, and that is what we offer as a ‘contemporary travel agency’ J. These guardian spirits I am addressing are real and they hold us sacred, they are there to help us and they love it when we thrive. They may come when we honor and appreciate them, when we recognize them and hold them sacred for their help and assistance. What this means is: these spirits are so wise that they won’t come and do anything we don’t want or we don’t ask for, because that would be violating our right to sovereign decision making. What we tend do in ritual is remembering their existence, honoring them, and receiving what they may have to give. When we look at sacred sites as ceremonial sites, they are actually a place made for this veneration and so they become energetic centers. We are, as humans, an essential element in creating a space where love and awareness can ground on earth. We are conduits for love and we can channel intention powerfully, with the help of the guardian spirits and the ancestors. The ancient cultures knew this and like this created their temples: spaces where the divine is honored, where the greatness of life is recognized and remembered. In temples around the world, love and cosmic awareness was received, channeled, shared and activated. One can connect with the sacred sites and temples around the world and travel there, as well as connect to the inner temple of the body that carries its wisdom. One Spirit offers ceremonies and trips that facilitate both those aspects: more adventurous (outward) sacred site travels; as well as rituals holding space for reconnection to inner wisdom, power and love using ceremonial grade Cacao as a tool for journeying. Interested in knowing more about Mayan cosmology? Listen to an inspiring interview with Francisco Puac here

Blog Archive

By Shadi Henau 25 Feb, 2022
This morning I woke up to a dream of grown-up babies of all different ethnicities and skin colors being born and sitting in a circle, naked. It felt that the birth of the white/Caucasian person was particularly painful and difficult in my dream, while the other ethnicities were already sitting in the circle. I’m not sure what exactly to make of it but as the world’s current events unfold I find it powerful to see how so much of the impact on this planet and its people is directed by the hands of a few immature and greedy. A limited number of predominantly white Caucasian humans are the heirs of a dysfunctional mindset that with their disconnection from Real Life on Earth tries to maintain a power-over structure that a majority of humans in urbanized and industrialized areas are - also through their cultural heritage - bound into. Large-scale indoctrination and mind-control are common practice now more than ever, as digital technology allows for behavioral data and population’s feedback to be more available to the entities that have an interest in using it. It seems to me that a real birth process in the global North’s collective consciousness is taking place. The white person in my dream is trying to join the circle of Humans OF this Planet. Instead of humans on this planet. The symbolic inner colonizer is waking up to the reality that it’s not able to maintain power over its body, its world and its environment just to maintain an idea that there is not enough to survive on this planet. Life itself is the treasure. The abundant, ever-growing and hyper-diverse nature of Earth and Cosmos is the blessing. The potential to live in harmony with them and as them is where true satisfaction and purpose exists. All the events taking place in global politics make me see even more how such a small group of people keeps trying to make the world their chess board, whatever the reason for their desire to play that game may be. And I’m also starting to see how each person on Earth has the powerful potential of choice-making to walk with integrity their own path, loose from the bonds and identity of being a part of a production and extraction-based machine. The social pressure of having to care and be a part of what the game of global industrialists play can stand in the way of that true soul desire of playing on Earth. And at the same time it’s such a powerful initiation to live on this Earth here and now, navigating the unique reality our soul has chosen to explore in this lifetime. To a certain extent we are all under the influence of the impact and choices governments and corporatocracy make. A spicy reality to navigate, and one that can offer us many learnings and blessings. To me it really feels like a birth process is taking place. Contractions are happening. Things are feeling scary and exciting. I hope we will be able to have a birth at home, with a trained midwife and a warm bath, and not have to get to the emergency room for a potentially painful and hard delivery. The main question this brings up is: who will be the midwife? I really believe 70 to 80% of the world’s people have an intention to live in peace with themselves, their environment and this world. To truly be in joy as a child of this planet. And we have so many wounds and conditionings that stand in the way of the manifestation and expression of the simple wisdom that living in connection offers us. The ways most humans have been taught to live, for such a long time already, is based on trauma. A friend and trauma specialist told me a few weeks ago: there’s the beautiful flowering creation of all that is, which we are and can tune in to, and then there is trauma of all sorts that impeaches us to do that. The mass global consciousness is mostly shaped by trauma, and it takes courage and willingness to take the steps to start to see the world through the lens of your own excitement. It really is like projecting and perceiving a whole different movie. I don’t mean to say don’t care about the war and poverty and discrimination and all the hardships this planet has in store. And at the same time there’s much more powerful ways of harnessing and directing all that energy that gets sucked into the collective black hole of trauma and trauma response. The game goes on and on, but we all have the power to choose in every moment how to work with the external reality. Do our own beliefs mean that we have to join the narrative that these events affect our reality, or can we use the awareness of our own beliefs to realign to different ways of responding to the world? To ways that may serve ourselves and our environment more? I know it’s a cliché by now, but can we be masterful enough to direct our own movie? Of course we may be affected by the things that happen - it’s quite human to be empathic - and where is our excitement and where are our desires in relation to the experiences? One of Bashar’s many incredible pieces of life-giving advice is: “In every moment, act on your highest excitement to the best of your ability”. I’ve had times in my life where this idea felt absolutely pointless, ridiculous and unreachable. I had absolutely lost any desire or confidence that life would offer me the gifts that today are so abundant. I had to walk through the deep and dark valley of forgetfulness and real desperation in order to find the courage to step into new directions. I had no idea that Bashar existed at that time, but the reality is that it’s exactly what I started doing, step by step, acting on my highest excitement to the best of my ability in every moment. It was painful at times, letting go of the old. And the magic and expansion that came in place has been mind-boggling and mind-blowing. It may sometimes sound easy to ‘jump’ to a whole different reality and awareness all at once. And sometimes life can offer huge steps and healing/transformational experiences in a short period of time. Yet the magic of walking life with joy and creating a more juicy reality lies in every step you take. There’s a huge potential for transformation in every moment, in every tiny choice. Maybe we can’t change the world’s global politics and painful practices that so many people ascribe to, but we can choose to step in a direction that offers peace, that offers play, inspiration and joy. And our world will respond. Training the capacity and trust to take action on your excitement is a muscle you can build, and the outside reality is like a web and mirror that reflects you and plays with you. Becoming confident that you are absolutely and fully meant to be here and now, in existence, as well as aware to how your outer reality responds to you and how you respond to it are key elements in becoming a masterful player in life. These times are particularly good practice...
By Shadi Henau 08 Dec, 2019
Tired of being consumed by modern society? Here’s ten ways to take steps into a more balanced way of living: 1) Relax in the moment Being present and aware in this moment is the biggest and most important act of evolution we can be. A consumerist society tells us there is something lacking, and that by doing something, buying stuff and trying to aim for something else than what we have, we will make things right. Just like the distorted ways of mass religions told us to pay and pray for being forgiven to make up for non-existing sins. It is easy to get stuck in the hamster wheel of needing more, running around and doing things in order to satisfy your needs. Relaxing and being present with the moment is your strength. It is you saying: I am already fine with myself, how I feel and what I have, and I don’t need to prove or change anything about me to be a worthy and respected human being. Learn to relax, and to bathe in the knowing that you are and have enough. You will learn to receive, and in the receiving actually allow abundance to become real in THIS moment. This truly is a paradigm shift. Some people have the tendency to continue running towards something or away from something because otherwise they could experience a lack of money and their survival will be threatened. That’s where the next point comes in. 2) Give yourself space when you need something Take your time to decide on buying, eating, drinking or consuming something. It can be fun to buy things, and the satisfaction is often short-lived. Make the distinction between consuming and investing. Will this service or product serve as an investment for your happiness and empowerment? Or is it just an impulse that will help you cover up something? May there be an uncomfortable feeling or thought driving you to buy this item? Of course there are many things we need in life, and putting yourself short of those things may not be necessary, yet it is a powerful skill to be able to discern which purchases are of true value in an environment which is constructed out of a lack paradigm, out to make us consume all the time, missing the true beauty and essence of this ever-present moment. 3) Learn to follow your bliss This is another act of revolution that is deeply valuable. Life seems to be a hard mission in many places. Our investment in an old-fashioned paradigm that supposedly keeps us safe is often expected from our environment, an environment which is used to the status quo reality. Where would you like your energy to go to? As a sovereign being, do you allow yourself to feel deeply the value and power of YOUR time? Where our energy is focused on is what we usually create. If we deeply feel the RIGHT choice, by tuning in to what exites us most, synchronicities will manifest as we bring in the energy that is aligned with ours in this moment. It's like a magnetic effect that simply creates the same frequency energetic templates, and thus allows for space to have those connections and energies to show up in the physical reality too. Take time to choose FOR yourself, and allow yourself to take small steps to trust your gut feeling for even small things. Do not fear that you will manifest ‘bad’ things if you feel bad. The things you wish for may be slower to come into your life, as you are creating more energetic distance between how you feel when you have those things and how you are feeling now. Be bold, and choose for yourself. 4) We all have enough to thrive It’s not because you choose for yourself that another loses. On the contrary: deep down, they will feel your authentic alignment and may be able to create their own version of that vibration for themselves, by themselves. It might feel like you are being selfish at first, but choosing for your highest excitement is an act of generosity and empowerment for yourself and the ones around you. How can someone truly benefit from your presence or from a favor they are asking you, if you are not really willing or able to truly give it to them? Similarly, if you are following your highest excitement, others may vibrationally align with what you are putting out. 5) Respect the old so you can welcome the new There is no way you can be free from something you’re unhappy with if you are giving it your energy. I once read that in order for the wolf to save its cub from the enemy, it would have to keep the cub in its mouth and focus on its mission of saving its offspring. Had it chosen to fight the attacker, her cub would have fallen on the ground and might have been dead as a result. The ways on which the ‘modern-day’ societies are built are simply out of alignment. They have their value, but more and more people are understanding that life itself is simply not supported by the ways consumer-based structures operate. It can be a painful and often confusing paradox to be tuned in to a deeper understanding of existence and to simultaneously be surrounded by the desperate attempts of consumer politics to keep at bay the true expression of humans, and the amazing potential we all hold as a society. Change is the only constant in life, so welcome the new ways that we are all co-creating in this time, and understand that the old systems are being transformed as more and more of us take the jump to personal empowerment. Old systems, just as old belief systems inside of our personal and/or collective consciousness, were adopted during a time when they made sense, in or before this lifetime. As we create new ways through our personal journeys, more and more alternatives become available for the population of this world at large. Like this, energetically the collective energy field of our planet becomes more ready and receptive for the embrace of what we came here to birth: a life that supports the true expression of love. Step by step, by doing the inner work and allowing the outside reality to adapt, we can feel more and more at home on this amazing planet called Earth. Then there can be only love for the ways that brought us here, because without them we wouldn't. 6) Feeling is healing Feeling is healing, healing is dealing. That’s a quote from a book by Barbara Marciniak, and it’s always been with me since a good friend emphasized the line while we were sitting in a forest on Mount Shasta, California. By allowing our feelings to exist, we can be channels of energy that we are created to be in this body. Emotion is ‘energy in motion,’ so when you think that feeling means you are weak, be sure that that’s an old paradigm belief system trying to hold you down. Feeling means you are powered up by your life force, connected in the great web of energetic intelligence that sparks all of life. The body knows this, because it is designed to be that channel, but old paradigm programs of disempowerment will tell us that showing emotions means you are weak. Another lie that represents the distortions of modern-day society that we will let go of in the big purge, as we evolve into a more empowered life form. It could be said that the long-time repression of feeling may spark powerful volcanic eruptions in our emotional being for a period of time, as we ‘detox’ and our power awakens. It's good to understand that this is a process that you can speed up by following your bliss and raising your vibration, but his may be hard at first as long as the emotions are very strong. Giving yourself time to process feelings without expectation or 'management', as well as allowing for fun and amazing experiences to show themselves through choosing your highest excitement work hand in hand. We recommend learning some tools for emotional processing and offering yourself the space to move thorugh them as needed. 7) Healing is access 'So what is all this healing really leading to?' - 'Do I need to be healed?' - etc. - are questions you may ask yourself. The answer is no, you don't need to. Many people think healing is something heavy, something you have to undergo for long years full of suffering until you finally reach your goal and everything is good, easy and safe. Forever... Big joke - here's why: The universe is conspiring with us at all times, as we are a cell of it creating life through it. If we choose to believe healing is pain, then it will be that. It also seems to me that this is an old belief that stems from years of trauma and suffering in our civilization’s collective consciousness. In the new paradigm, though, we understand that everything is here to help us, and the funny thing is that love always wins. It is designed that way. In this sense, love works magnetically, and resisting its pull can ask for a great deal of energy. Healing is access to the bigger you, to the power of love that exists within you, the one who is already aligned with the cosmic oneness and their soul's reality. Healing means creating access to our spiritual nature, and there is a lot of fun and bliss involved in that, once we fully own who we are and what we came here to be. Once we accept that and lovingly own our power and potential, love can unfold itself ever more beautifully through our being, in every day. So yes, healing is fun. And it's also hard work as we move through the trauma and do the inner work necessary for the fulness of our being to embody this life again. 8) Learn to speak the language of love Words are precious, and it is good to use them in that way. We’ve been taught to communicate and think in words only, yet love speaks in many ways. Spoken and written language are some aspects of that, but words might often take away from the deeper meaning of things. They might put an experience or feeling into a box, turning them into something defined. Although that might be useful in many ways, it’s also lovely to enjoy the ever-changing nature of existence through feeling it, and allowing the conditioned mind to not define/confine the reality you are experiencing for a moment. You may find that your body and heart are in constant communication with all that is. The conditioned mind may not be aware of this communication of love and spirit that is all the time happening; it merely knows how to play in the reality it was taught to operate in. As we become more present in our body we can experience more of the endless array of feelings and wisdom that is all around, and that can be channeled into words. But it will still be an approximation. Sometimes it can be helpful to keep some of that wisdom in the untold space, not turning it in to something mental and limited using words. Like this you can abide in that space, and then your word will be more valuable when you are using it. 9) Create abundantly You are and always have been a creator. That’s who you are because you are a part of creation. Everything is always expanding and evolving, creating itself. Because you exist you are a part of that, so you are constantly creating with creation. Your reality is a personal creation, decided on during and before this life. Aligning your actions with your highest excitement will make the creative process more effortless, as you feel that you bring in more of your completely unique essence. Even better: you will be overflowing with inspired energy that charges you, and cannot be restrained. In that energy flow, creating HAS to be abundant, and you do it simply by showing up and being yourself exactly as you know you are. Once you are in that flow, there is no way creation can be stopped. Love always wins. When creation becomes co-creation as we are aligning with others who are in the same flow, our creations grow exponentially: the result is more than the sum of its parts. 10) Breathe and smile Respiration means re-spiriting yourself. Aspiring something is breathing for it, living for it. Being that what you aspire in every breath. When life becomes hard, your breath is always there. It is the hand of spirit held out for you to grab and be guided and loved, so you can come back home inside with the spirit present. Without spiritual connection we have lost our nature, where we are coming from. Life force energy stops to flow... We embodied in flesh and bones and created a journey in density for ourselves, embodying into duality. Yet all is always one, past light and dark, so remember to breathe into that space and enjoy the ride. You’ve got this!
By Shadi Henau 18 Jul, 2019
When I first started studying with Francisco Puac - Maya cosmovision teacher and wisdom keeper at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – I wasn’t entirely sure about what to call the Maya temples. People call them ruins, archaeological sites, ancient cities or sometimes temples. My teacher told me he prefers the name ‘ceremonial site’. Sure, these sites were cities where high numbers of people lived, and also they are massive energetic centers. Here’s why: the Maya temples were physical reflections of the extensive and expansive cosmic knowledge the Maya culture had developed. Their priests had journeyed in realms out of the physical and brought back knowledge about the architecture of the cosmos. They then translated the knowledge into a tangible structure for human awareness. This translated itself on numerous levels: the different Mayan calendars (one of which, the ceremonial count, is 260 days long and helps to attune ritual and human consciousness to the larger cosmic cycles), the Mayan mathematical system (based on the number 20), physical architectural concepts representing the layout of the cosmic energies, as well as advanced agricultural systems. They also documented a lot of this knowledge (and myths representing it) using their evolving glyph writing, much of those scriptures burnt and decimated by the Spanish invader. Before the domineering force of the dysfunctional patriarchal archetype decided to rule over earth, almost all the cultures on earth have been venerating a wisdom inherent to earth. A wisdom with true energetic power that was sacred and aware. The patriarchal forces somehow decided to undermine this sacred energy and cause havoc in the repression of its power. They have gone to great length in a long-standing effort to dominate a power that, if it is honored, creates harmony, balance and grounding, and it becomes a joy for the awareness to be of service to this energy. Ancient cultures were very much in tune with this, and they held sacred the so-called dark energy of the earth. The same energy that has been shamed, repressed and made bad by the church and the patriarchy for many years, leaving aimless the consciousness that is wanting to evolve together with this sacred power it is trying to dance with. As we tune in to the power of our consciousness to serve love and evolve with it, we can start to soar. There is nothing better than that; there is nothing more fascinating and captivating than serving love. The service to love becomes an anchor for life to create through us the world we have chosen to incarnate in, but cannot see reflected yet as most people are tuned in to parasite consciousness as provided by the consumer model that creates an artificial sense of scarcity and urgency to perform or survive. Through ritual we can again connect to the true values of life such as connection, brother/sisterhood, creativity, peace, gratitude, connection and even bliss. We can connect to the rhythm and the pace of organic evolution, as deep down we have always known it to exist. Many of the earth’s cultures have consciously lived the dual nature of spirit in body, and have understood that there only is real depth to existence when all polarities are honored and able to work together. They created ritual spaces to thank the ancient knowledge that was alive in the earth and the ether, and to communicate with them. And they created huge ceremonial centers for doing so. Look at the pyramids of the ancient Egyptians, the goddess temples of the Mediterranean legacies, the stone circles and power spots all over North Western Europe, the immense amounts of ceremonial sites all over the American continent and countless temples all around Asia. And then of course all the nature sanctuaries and native altars - known and unknown to us - all over this globe. Ceremony has been a formal and informal part of human connection, and a big part of our identity as ‘earth beings’. Rituals are a place of remembrance and honor to who we are: part of a big breathing organism (earth) and part of a great cosmic web that always evolves. We are intimately connected with the rhythms and cycles of both earth and cosmos, and the Maya’s knew this through their astral journeys out of the body. They then created a tangible structure for tuning in to the cosmic and earthly rhythms. The Ceremonial Sites are massive places to offer rituals and honor the all-that-is that lives through us, and a reflection of that cosmic knowledge engrained in the earth. They then were super charged by many rituals and the intention they carried. This can be perceived very much when visiting the sacred sites. Nowadays, many of the temples of the world have been forgotten. Many sacred sites are now called ‘archaeological zones’ or even ‘ruins’. They have even, in the most intense cases, become tourist attractions that mindlessly negate the true purpose and power of these places. The often needed income for the locals of these places, together with a global sense of disconnection and commercialization have turned these sites into profitable ventures. Guides will gladly explain archaeological facts and finds and entertain visitors, but the deep veneration of the wisdom, and the intimacy of the spirits of these places has been forgotten by a culture of parasite consumerism, and is now often not felt or understood. What we aim to do during our sacred site travels, is to journey back to the place before that. We come with an intention to honor the sacred energies and embrace the gifts we may have for each other: they for us and we for them. At the temples, we create a short ritual using traditional ceremonial offerings, led by a local elder who knows the sites well. We offer our time and presence, our energy, to the sacred sites (luckily no human offerings J) where deep transformation may take place. We engage in a more in-depth interaction with the sacred sites and their spirits, and visit the place in a meditative and gentle way. For this reason, we usually go there on weekdays and arrive early, so the energy of the place can be felt properly before the arrival of more tourists. We also visit small sites and unknown places of power in different places and cultural areas of Guatemala, as an inquiry to the different ways the Maya-cosmovision and tradition have taken shape in contemporary daily life within the culture. The ancient spirits of the land are present in any place on earth, whether in sacred sites or not. Whether in Guatemala or Zimbabwe or Russia or the Netherlands. They live and breathe the essence of a place, and wish to assist the people of that place with their transformational power. For that, they have to be remembered. Ritual and pilgrimage have been a way to do this since ancient times, and that is what we offer as a ‘contemporary travel agency’ J. These guardian spirits I am addressing are real and they hold us sacred, they are there to help us and they love it when we thrive. They may come when we honor and appreciate them, when we recognize them and hold them sacred for their help and assistance. What this means is: these spirits are so wise that they won’t come and do anything we don’t want or we don’t ask for, because that would be violating our right to sovereign decision making. What we tend do in ritual is remembering their existence, honoring them, and receiving what they may have to give. When we look at sacred sites as ceremonial sites, they are actually a place made for this veneration and so they become energetic centers. We are, as humans, an essential element in creating a space where love and awareness can ground on earth. We are conduits for love and we can channel intention powerfully, with the help of the guardian spirits and the ancestors. The ancient cultures knew this and like this created their temples: spaces where the divine is honored, where the greatness of life is recognized and remembered. In temples around the world, love and cosmic awareness was received, channeled, shared and activated. One can connect with the sacred sites and temples around the world and travel there, as well as connect to the inner temple of the body that carries its wisdom. One Spirit offers ceremonies and trips that facilitate both those aspects: more adventurous (outward) sacred site travels; as well as rituals holding space for reconnection to inner wisdom, power and love using ceremonial grade Cacao as a tool for journeying. Interested in knowing more about Mayan cosmology? Listen to an inspiring interview with Francisco Puac here
By Shadi Henau 30 Jun, 2019
I had been working with this mental idea of healthy boundaries in my own personal journey for a number of years; having gone from no boundaries whatsoever to blocking any connection completely, and everything in between. I kept trying to make sense of the concept, hoping to find a way that was healthy and most of all respecting of my inner being. I hoped that I would find a way to manage my boundaries which would work on a daily basis, a way that would hold my essence sacred and would also allow me to connect with the world in a way that makes sense. It was hard. I kept looking for that one way that would work out, and the universe kept showing me how much I wasn't getting it. I went from wanting to surrender completely to my partner's wishes thinking that's what love would do, to not wanting any eye contact with anyone, and other interesting and weird ways of trying to manage connection with others in an inquiry to make sense of this concept of personal boundaries. Many times, I felt too vulnerable to open up and had to own the fact that I needed personal space more than anything. At other times, I needed to push through what I thought were boundaries just to have life show me that I can have some fun. Sometimes I would just be open to all and get totally drained. All of these experiences were useful and valid in my inquiry, but none of them actually felt right. It took some deep explorations and inner connection with the body’s wisdom to be able to transition out of this mental idea of boundaries (which are more like blockages) into an energetic and alive concept of boundaries. I will explain what I mean by this a little more in-depth in this blog post, and add some ideas and tips. Of course I have had my journey and you have yours, so I hope this post will be useful for you to engage in your own personal process of creating healthy, breathing boundaries, in your own unique and perfect way. The first thing I'd share is something really important that’s often negated in spiritual new-age lineages: all these concepts of inner wisdom and energetic awareness are body-related. We are, in our wholeness, a manifestation of the all-one's deciding to journey in a body, and feelings are our soul's language in this world. Mind wisdom can be very valuable to a certain extent, especially if it allows us to reconnect with the wisdom of the body temple inside. For this reason, mentally-sourced boundaries are minimal in its power and efficiency compared to allowing the body temple to honor its own boundaries. The body knows what is needed, and has a powerful intelligence of how energy works, which nearly always precedes the mind’s capacity to interpret what is needed. Inner reconnection work may be needed to have the body temple be sensitive and confident enough to be confident in voicing and clearly speaking its wisdom, because we have been trained to be more comfortable when the mind is in charge. Letting the body speak may be uncomfortable or frightening at first, but she knows what is up in the energetic realms and is attuned to the divine mystery in a very intimate fashion. First tip to finding your boundaries: create a connection to the body, learn to respect her and her innate wisdom, and allow the time she needs to regain trust in the mind. Don't try to get anything or need it to go anywhere. Like this, you'll create safety and comfort in the body. Second, observe your current concept of ‘healthy boundaries’. Are you aware of whether you rigidly decide what is right and what not, and what the reason may be you choose this way over the other. May there be an unresolved issue hidden in the subconscious looking for reconciliation? Do you block certain experiences without knowing why, even though there may be a layer of excitement and growth below the pain? Do you feel drawn to a certain experience, and then block once you get close to the possibility of it becoming reality? These can be good opportunities to go past the blocks, if you're held by loving people who will respect you, your inner power and your process. There is definitely no need to blame anyone if you feel triggered, much more to share your experience and see if maybe it can get reprogrammed by you not playing out the same cards as you are used to. There might not be the need to change anything about what you do or how you see the situation, but to merely listen to what this trigger brings to you is valuable. Second tip: create space for personal journeying with pain and triggers. Listening to what the energy has to say may be helpful, and allowing and moving through emotions related to what triggers you is usually worth your time. Trust the process. Three: Stay healthy in the way you treat your inner world. Remember, you came into this world as a loving child that was divinely connected in any moment. The one that decided to shield itself in order to survive is an intelligent being, and they had no other choice in this messy reality of planet earth. Rushing, putting pressure on yourself or blaming yourself for doing or not doing things the way you think they need to be done is not creating safety for the divine one inside that knows how to heal when it's ready. Create a safe environment of love and nourishment for the little one to grow and regain its power and connection to magic in life. Then you can be safe, and feel clearly what is true to you. From there, healthy boundaries can start to exist again; now there are no parents to tell you what is right and what not, and you are the one that calls the shots. No-one else knows your inner worlds like you do, and no-one claims your divine right of free will. When ready, the healthy and mature person can choose to create a safe space for the wonderful and playful kid to explore the magic of this world in peace and harmony. They really need each other: the mature one to respect and honor the inner worlds by taking space and creating healthy boundaries and interactions, and the young one to come out and play within those boundaries that hold the sacredness. Boundaries aren’t forceful barriers, but a living, breathing and transforming thing that has an intelligence. And the purpose of it is to hold sacred the divine love that manifests itself inside of them safely. Third tip: saying no to something or someone actually means saying yes to your truth. It also means that if you say yes, you actually want to be there, creating harmony and magic. It's where you can actually love yourself and another simultaneously. Last insight on personal limits is this: try to see boundaries as an intelligent membrane or living being which has intelligence. It knows when to open, expand, change, morph, close, adapt, connect, and so on. At the edges of those limits there is a field of interconnection, of intelligent sensory awareness that feels and interacts with the world around you. They truly are like sensory antennas that live as a living extension of your body. They constantly transmit energetic information and interact with the world. And when you feel safe, you can fully listen to what they have to say and harbor safe space for love to exist within them. And you can have meaningful and transformative interactions with others where both of you thrive. You can connect with others in a sacred way, owning your desires and boundaries. Fourth tip: listen to the signs you feel and respect them, knowing that they may change again. Trust the mystery. Hoping you had a great read, I'm sending love for your journey and honored to be a part of it. Shadi.
By Shadi Henau 09 Jun, 2019
More and more people seem to be highly sensitive in our contemporary society. What would be the meaning of this? What could one do with this increased capacity to feel? How can you manage the reality of western society with this amazing quality that is often unseen by the mainstream? According to Mayan cosmology - and many other esoteric lineages - we are in a time of great transition. The ‘end of the world’ was announced in myriad ways during the years leading up to 2012, and this was depicted in movies, theories, books, etc. inside and outside of the new age-scene globally. What is the real meaning of this 2012 thing and how does this apply to being sensitive? Actually, what happened was that December 21st, 2012 wasn’t the end of the world – that’s clear – but the tipping point of two very long cycles or calendars. The Mayan calendar system was built through extensive astral traveling and ceremonial ways of connecting to cosmic awareness here on Earth, and one of the longer cycles or calendars is a cycle of 26.000 solar years. Within that 26.000 year cycle there’s also 5 times a 5.200 year cycle. Both a 5.200 year cycle and a 26.000 year cycle finished on that specific date. For the rational mind, it’s hard to grasp this, as we may believe that such a cycle stops and the next one starts immediately. But of course, changes in these long eras are gradual. We can’t just jump from one era straight into the next; it would cause too much chaos and disharmony in our personal lives and in global societies. Instead, we are now going through a collective time of change and transition. A transition from a time of domination and abuse to a time of harmony and realization of our collective soul’s journey here on earth. Highly Sensitive Persons are here with a unique journey, and are an intrinsic part of the collective energy finding its new way. They help creating a new and more sentient society, which through its transition will become more connected to the earth again. They are, among other things, here to help the human collective consciousness remember that we are an intimately connected part of a living being – planet earth – that has huge awareness and power. This may not be an easy journey. Yet they are essential parts of the whole, and have a unique role in collective evolution on this planet in this time of great transition. Here are some easy ways to stay connected to true power if you feel highly sensitive – or sentient - within a society that has forgotten to feel life. 1) BREATHE This is the number one tip for all and any . It may sound really stupid - or really deep - but being aware of your breath is the greatest tool of connection to THIS MOMENT where, from the soul’s perspective, nothing is ever wrong or even less than perfect. Breath is the essence of Spirit flowing through you, re-spiriting you in this moment. Being aware of your breath and not forcing the airflow in any way makes you be spirit, the observer of your ever-changing nature. Especially in times of distress, always come back to your breathing without engaging with it on how to breathe, be, appear, etc. 2) Feel your feet Your feet are, just like your hands, the tools that allow you to create, move, manifest, dance, etc. within this physical reality. They are what holds you, and they give you freedom to explore this world. Feeling them on the ground is like accepting the fact that you are here because you chose to - on some level - and that you are here for a reason. That reason is to simply but fully be you, in any way you feel excitement about being you. Your unique you that has exactly the pieces of the puzzle that others you interact with need. Stand firm and breathe in the earth. She wants you, all of you! 3) Stand strong Modern society is very much focused on competition. Competition and division go hand in hand, and it is through dividing the human collective spirit (which essentially is connected and tribal) that power over people can remain. This is not you, so giving up the battle will actually cause love to flow through you. The paradox is that in the vulnerability there lies lots of strength. Real strength, which is a manifestation of love and unity, not the old or abusive strength that holds resentment and has to protect itself for the same kind of abuse that it impacts others with. In its real sense, standing strong is being in love fully. Being in love with existence and all of its sacredness. 4) Say no As a natural result of this previous point, it becomes second nature to feel what is right for you as a being that harnesses love. Literally, you will harness love, and abusive energies are no longer in your life, because they simply don’t feel fit. So you say no. And saying no is all about fully owning your yes for the things that are important to you, the things that do nourish and stimulate you and the love that you are. Feelings are the language of the soul… 5) Follow your excitement Saying no is not about hurting someone, it is about you following your desire for something more aligned, something more for you. Fully. Your excitement will simply guide you and the purpose of your time here on earth will show itself as you allow yourself to be guided. Simple. And this is exactly the power that highly sensitive people hold; they have an innate capacity to deeply feel. As you own up to your power to follow your guidance, miracles will appear on a daily basis. And you can become a true example of a living lifestyle reflecting the divine in everyday life. Keep flowing with it! 6) Learn to surrender Miracles do happen, but life on earth is a cradle of divine mess at any rate. We are here to experience, after all, and nobody said it was easy. The paradox of a dual existence and being in a physical body with its (often) limitations is challenging. And even though from a soul perspective everything is always perfect, in daily life shit gets rough and nasty most of the time. Be prepared to face the shit and to remain tuned in to the essence that you are; learn to observe first , and surrender to the knowing of all being in order. 7) Stay connected with your tribe Highly important is to reach out to your tribe and your soul connections, and to stay connected with them. This is an act of self-care and empowerment, usually for everyone involved. A part of being vulnerable is learning to reach out, and share what is in your heart. Like this, others can create a web of support and love around you, and they will feel the same coming back to them too. What goes out must come back in one way or another. It’s OK to own that life is a cradle of mud sometimes, and to express gratitude as well as frustration (or anything in between) about your own experience. 8) Learn the tools Learn tools to process your emotions. Learn to hold (s)pace for your transformation, and create space for yourself to deeply feel when you are going through periods of transition. If you find yourself often in cities or places where feeling may be unusual or shamed, pay extra attention to your emotional needs and own them. Sometimes even a quick escape to the bathroom can cause miracles. Also, learn to work with your shadows. Learn to look at them with love, and observe them without necessarily engaging in them. See them for what they are and learn not to shun the shadows, as they carry tremendous power that can be of use once we know how to be with it. 9) Be the journey Sometimes lasting decisions need to be made. But the underlying current of all evolution is that it is evolving. All is change; Panta Rhei . This is inevitable, and you are that essence of evolution too! The rational part of you may be afraid of that, but the reality is that it does not know how to hold the essence of the ever-changing nature of life. Only the feeling knows how to flow with that; feelings give us energy, and guide us at the same time. They are creative energy, and the brain is a part of that creativity too. But the rational mind can’t rule the show, else it creates a world of fear and control. Fter all, the divine is out not to get you, but to create with you the most blissful and pleasurable way of life on earth. That is faith, so just simply be your unique journey with all its qualities and pitfalls, and breathe to open up and to feel it at all times. Enjoy the rollercoaster ;)
By Shadi Henau 20 May, 2019
I spent many years shutting myself off and staying inside physically and energetically, not acting on the thousands of desires that came through me - out of fear or pain. The day that I jumped and decided to go traveling, my whole body started to relax. As I decided to follow more and more of my desire, more and more parallel realities became available to me. A very down-to-earth example of this: I went and traveled in Spain with no idea where to go, except for a small-scale organic farm where I’d be volunteering for two weeks. There I met a travel buddy who wanted to go to an off-grid commune, where we were led effortlessly without even knowing exactly where it was. Here, lots of healing took place for me and the first layers of pain started to loosen up. This magical place was a total world of its own, one that I had never expected to encounter. But simultaneously, it already existed, and I simply jumped into it and started to blend in as another co-creator, in turn evolving together with the place until I left. The funny thing is that these parallel worlds exist all over, and they are not an airy out-there idea that we need to stress ourselves out to find. Allowing ourselves to truly be aware of our desire, which Malidoma Patrice Some so beautifully calls “a horse that wants to take you on a journey to Spirit,” gives us the possibility to start seeing these realities, and thus be able to create with them synergistically. We are, in essence, multidimensional beings. The idea that the third dimension or material plane is not connected, sacred or divine is a projection of the repressive and abusive concept that human beings are subordinates to a God-force. As a result of this programming, the idea emerges that the physical is somehow less divine, less alive, than the spirit realms. The third dimension and the physical plane are only a small aspect of creation, and the material plane is a result of energy and spirit choosing to embody in matter. And that matters! As a spirit being, a part of existence, we are in constant communication with spirit, with all that is. Our choices and ideas, our thoughts communicate in a constant web of intelligence of which we are transmitters and connectors. In this big switchboard we can choose to connect wires in different plugs, and make connections with other realities within this reality. This happens all the time: as we choose to meet up with one person or another, a different interaction will take place, shaping our path and reality in a different way as a result. As we align our awareness to the innate capacity we have to manifest with our choices, we attract new realities in the third dimension, because they are simply a result of our communication and alignment with spirit (which lives in all). The truth is that parallel realities exist all over the place, all the time, and that we only have to step out of our boxed-in and rationally defined reality in order to see them and move into them. This is not an airy, out-there process of shifting, realigning, working hard and meditating on them endlessly. It is about knowing that these realities already exist in this now, in this physical world, because they exist inside of us. And they show effortlessly. We all have experienced this in one way or another: even in a small town, or somewhere totally unexpected, the weirdest encounters or discoveries happen. All of a sudden, we might find ourselves connecting to new friends or ‘accidentally’ having a very special and resonant encounter. These are the doors of the third dimension opening themselves for a shift in resonance we have – consciously or subconsciously – communicated in the great web of interconnectedness. Whether these kinds of experiences come to you ‘served on a plate’ or whether the mystery that works through us (cosmic interconnected beings in a body) brings you a strong charge to initiate an interaction, they are signs of the great spirit encouraging you to evolve, to love more and to embody more of the love that you are. This can be scary, as many of us were brought up in a society of division, but the jump is easy to take if you choose to act quickly on your desire. Waiting longer than 10 or 20 seconds usually makes it harder to act on your desire. Of course, acting on your desire doesn’t necessarily mean you will have it met. And also, it might happen that your day-to-day environment is not inspiring and you do not feel any desire to really connect with it, or the people around you. In that case, it might be a good idea to physically go and explore new places for a while, or to seek a community within your day-to-day reality that is more resonant. “Desire Is A Horse That Wants To Take You On A Journey To Spirit.” — Malidoma Patrice Somé This brings me to another interesting concept: Spirit is actually always conspiring for us to be more of who we are in essence: the love that impermeates all of life. If resistance to our own strength and love exists, we’ll create pain in our experience. Ultimately, we are living in a free will universe and all our choices are valid. Desire allows us to explore and nourish the wish of the soul, and behind that the intimate connection to the great force of infinite love that permeates and flourishes all of existence. If there is a burning desire, that really means something. Feelings are the language of the soul. The reason why the desire is there or what it wants us to learn are usually unseen until it is acted upon, without expectations. Trusting the compass of beauty and energy inside is valuable, and it will lead to finding parallel realities much more blissful and free than the status quo reality we are fed by forces with a self-interest that is not in alignment to love. The synergistic interaction of souls in the spirit of love and desire is much more powerful, and many worlds full of creative life force will be created as an effortless result of honoring desire. These parallel realities are available all over the place. We can choose to jump into new realities that feel totally amazing, and they might last for many years, or just a few moments in time. All of this is sacred, and it is our choice as creators to do what we feel fit and create our journey as we need it to be.
By Shadi Henau 09 May, 2019
After a very successful MAYA COSMOVISION CEREMONIAL TRIP in February and March of 2019, we decided to support the grassroots spiritual education project of local community leader and spiritual teacher Franciso Puac with a donation of 1500 US dollars. Also, many of the participants of our journey felt called to donate to this beautiful project, supporting the continuation of the Mayan cosmovision teachings with the children of San Pedro la laguna, Guatemala. Read all about it in this blog post. Francisco, who's been guiding our past ceremonial journeys in Guatemala, is an engaged community leader with many years of experience in the field of education in the indigenous area of Western Guatemala. He was an assistant-coordinator for the national educational board of Guatemala for many years. Francisco also runs a school where Mayan cosmology is taught to both foreign travelers as well as locals. We decided to sponsor his yearly educational project teaching children Mayan cosmology insights, its wisdom and cosmic connection. One Spirit Journeys participants support this project through us. The One Spirit team donated 1500 USD towards this year’s Mayan cosmovision classes for the kids of San pedro la laguna. What is Francisco's project all about? Every year, during the months of November and December, the Guatemalan public school system is having its annual holidays. Francisco takes advantage of this time to offer a series of free Mayan Cosmovision classes for primary school kids. These classes are tailored to their ways of comprehending, and their needs in daily life. Most importantly, the classes are taught in their own traditional Tzutujil language. Francisco takes excerpts and quotes from the different Mayan codices and sacred texts, and makes them understandable for the kids. Also, they get to learn about the different calendar systems and how these are tied in with the local custom of fire rituals, now heavily burdened by evangelical missionaries and other church cults in Guatemala. Francisco teaches the children the subliminal layers of significance buried in the local language, and thus helps them to attune, at an early age, to a way of seeing reality which is cosmically aligned. During this time, they also conduct ceremonies together in thankfulness to the nawales or day energies, and the spirit grandmothers and -fathers of their own culture. Preparing for the upcoming teaching cycle, the ceremonial altar of the school will be refurbished and decorated with the symbols of the four cosmic directions as well as the 20 nawales. Also, kid-proof wooden tablet flipbooks with the nawales' symbols will be made, and school materials bought. Why is this important? The Guatemalan government, which is basically the Spanish colonizer's heritage, is mainly situated in Guatemala City. They have little or no feeling with the rest of the country. It's for this reason, and also because the Western Highlands were too rough to conquer, that the millennial knowledge and the tradition of Maya cosmovision have survived many years of conquest. As of the last 60 years, another type of colonizer came in: consumerism. Assisted by the CIA and the USA's international development politics, the Guatemalan army violently repressed indigenous and other socially vulnerable groups in Guatemala for the better part of 30 years of civil conflict. They dismantled local community structure and killed nearly 200.000 over the course of what was called 'the interior armed conflict'. With the dismantling of the local community structure, a void was created that was to be filled up with the false promises of consumerist politics. The concept of progress is a double-edged sword, especially in a place like Guatemala. Many people in Guatemala believe that, in order to function in a society drawn from the Western model, one has to be well-educated. Of course, with education come many possibilities and options for personal growth and development. And in rural Guatemala, in the first place that means learning to speak and write Spanish. Spanish, however, is not the first language of many people in Guatemala, as there are around 35 indigenous Maya languages in Guatemala alone. Most people grow up speaking their ancestral language and - through the language which reflects a way of seeing reality - are connected to their own culture. But now, it is generally believed that learning and speaking Spanish will bring many possibilities and that the Spanish language is somehow superior. Many people thus forget their own language and end up stuck in a world which is not really theirs. That is how development works, and conquers peoples and cultures: by dismantling or taking what is the birth right of humanity (tribe, connection, community) and then offering to fill up the void by providing stuff/services/etc... Many local communities are aware of this and are doing their best to remain connected to their inner knowledge and their cultural heritage. By donating a percentage of our profits to Francisco Puac and his community Mayan cosmology school project, we are trying to help the local kids of San Pedro la laguna, by the Atitlan Lake, to remain connected to their ancestors' knowledge. Curious to find out more about our journeys? Check out
By Shadi Henau 20 Jan, 2019
Sometimes in life, we will go through times of great change. Times that appear when we have decided to let go of something that keeps taking up too much space in our life. In the West, many people are trained to be functional within a company, educational or legal structure, or an organization of some sort. This can be of value, if the individual performing the function is happy, inspired, and well. If this is not the case, and they – for whatever reason – decide to keep giving, working, going at it, life can get hard. An uninspired (non-aligned) flow of energy output cannot be sustainable. This is what happens when people keep doing something that does not make them ‘light up’ or excite them. A classic example of this is burn-out. Burn-outs are great teachers; they are our higher self announcing that our time – our life - is valuable, that our own inner energy is life and that we have denied ourselves access to it. When this happens, it may be necessary to allow open space to exist without any necessity to keep our program filled up with many things, just so we can come back to ourselves after a period of heavy external focus. Consciously or unconsciously we can create this time to relax, to come back in alignment with our highest purpose in life. When that time-space is created (through the form of a burn-out or any other way), it may be perceived as an emptiness. Where is our purpose? What we were investing our time and energy in before is no longer an option in this time. Nonetheless, once the letting-go process has continued for a while we can rest in the space that is created. When we accept that this time, this life, is ours , and we embrace it as a blessing, we can rest and release the stress of our previous ways of relating to life, to our profession or to ourselves. Once we are aligned with our own pure energy (which is always available if we take time to allow it), the openness and freedom can bring many ideas and insights. We might find ourselves increasingly inspired and connected to a creative flow. Connection to this flow is what make an artist a true artist. And through this flow, which is innate to all beings in existence, we can become an artist in anything in life. We can become an artist of life. Often times it is hard to keep up with the flow of ideas and inspiration when we find ourselves in this space; it may seem as if so many ideas and projects and plans and fun things can be manifested when one is in the ease and flow of life energy. It may seem as if millions of ideas and thoughts of great pleasure and potential exist, and all of them are potentially real! Where to focus our energy then? There are infinite ideas and options for life’s beauty to expand through each and every one of us, but which ideas to nourish – and why? Because bringing a project down to Earth is not an easy task and involves a lot of hands-on work, it is important to really allow time and space to tune in to what is valuable for you in your life choices. Any kind of venture or idea usually takes around three years to get started and build a momentum. Look at this through an analogy: a cart full of stones weighs a lot. It takes a fair amount of consistent hard pushing to get it going. Those are the (at least) three early years of putting in lots of work and connecting with others involved in your idea. Once the cart has some momentum, the pushing requires less effort but still needs to be consistent. After a number of years, your venture, business, project or idea might have created so much momentum that all is in motion and the cart requires hardly any pushing. It will be moving so strongly that it might even be pulling you when you have periods of less or no energy investment. It takes a while to get there, and for that reason it is important to consider a number of things before going ahead and jumping into a project that might need a lot of investing. Investing can mean time, money, effort, or energy in general. Here are a number of pointers to help you see which ideas are wanting to be manifested, and how to go about the early steps of bringing them to life: 1) How does your idea make you feel? This is by far the number one factor for figuring out whether it is time to manifest an idea which will eventually lead to a different and more creative and inspired life. Do you feel like it makes complete and utter sense for you to do this? Does it feel like you have come to this point in life especially to be able to manifest this idea or venture? Do you feel excited, joyful and blissed out about the prospect of this idea coming to life? How does it make you feel, thinking about investing your time and energy in this project? Does it make you feel valuable? Purposeful? Engaged? Focused? Important? Does it make you feel aware of your capacities and potential? These are all very important questions which can make you feel the reality that you are in when creating this project and life for yourself, through yourself. Also, if you do not feel excited, ready, pleased, or if it simply does not make sense, you can still go ahead with your project but it might be less efficient. The outside reality usually mirrors your excitement and engagement. The time might not be now, but that doesn’t mean your idea or concept is to be discarded or graded not useful. It might just need more time or other unseen factors before it can come to fruition. Whenever you do feel the YES you will feel it clearly! 2) What will make your idea work? Do you have the skills to make your project work? Do you feel like you have the energy and willpower to manifest the project? To manifest comes from the Latin word ‘hand’, so are you ready to really do the hands-on work in order to manifest the life you want? Ideas are amazing, and lots of work is necessary for them to come to life. Ideas find their origins in the mental and spiritual realms, and the physical en energetic realms can be slower and heavier. For that reason, we need to be able to connect the mind structure, our feelings and emotions, our work in the third (physical matter) dimension, and our divine inspiration in order to have a flowing business, venture or project in life. Do you feel capable and confident that you will be able to do the work and bring the idea down to Earth? Do you feel ready to invest in yourself in order to be able to drive the idea or project? All of these are interesting questions to dig into before heading out to make the jump. 3) What is your intention behind the project, or the inspiration for it? How did this idea come to you? Do you feel a higher calling for it to be manifested? Is this idea aligned with your soul’s purpose? The intention behind your idea is a bit like a 30-second elevator speech. It is clear, powerful, direct and to the point . Yet it is also more than just a line: it is the essence and central energy of the structure that will be your inspired idea or venture, through your own, and others’ time and energy investments. Your intention is very important and it is worth taking time to tune in to what it needs to be, not just for yourself but for all involved in your project - now and in the future. Use it as a blessing. 4) Do you see your project as a co-creation? Does your project feel like an individual venture, or do you look at it as an entity that connects all people engaged in it? Will your business or idea be at play energetically, within the great cosmic web of existence? Try to understand that this entity that will be your project is a living being. It is a connecting entity and it will expand and contract through many factors, not in the least your (and others’) energy input. Be aware that this entity will work your intention, and all involved will be a part of the manifestation of it. This will not just be your idea or project, but can benefit many more and allow others to thrive just the same. 5) Is your project sustainable and beneficial to yourself? During security briefings in the airplane, parents are advised to put on their own oxygen masks before attending to their children. It’s good to understand that your project or idea will be somewhat like a baby. If you’re truly inspired and energized, this project will work, and it will have the potential to absorb and transform lots of your time and energy. You (and other partners or co-creators) will be parenting the entity that is created. Be aware that you might want to work a lot and could potentially lose center in the process. Take care of yourself first, and make sure that you are compensated adequately for your time and energy input. Make sure that the project (your baby) is well-fed, and that you get all the fun, peace and rest you need in order to be able to tend to it. Make sure your personal needs are met. 6) How will others benefit from your idea or project? Once your needs are met, the business or idea can grow in organic ways, and through your inspired action and intention it can feed the inspiration and (emotional, material and spiritual) wealth of others. This will happen when the ball is rolling, the cart is moving along at a strong and solid pace. Then, all who are involved will benefit. You can also consciously assist others in many ways, from creating offerings of support coming out of your surplus profits, to hosting (free) workshops or community activities related to your project or business, and by just using simple common sense and good-hearted interactions with people involved in your ideas and ventures. Our next upcoming blog in the Manifest your Dreams -series is coming up in 40 days: 7 Tips and Tricks on How to Decide when It’s Time to go All-in on your Project Once your idea is strong, get a feel on when to jump and truly go all-in on your new life! Like our Facebook page and stay posted by following us here: Have a lovely day!
By Shadi Henau 14 Oct, 2018
What is this scarcity that so many people experience? Why do so many people never seem to have enough to just be? What is this anxiety that makes people work and work and so on, only to end up getting that magical pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Where it never ends up being once we’re there… It all seems like a long-winded competition in unsatisfying work, just to try and get to a place which cannot be reached using the means we were taught to use. There is always more to get, more to do, more to work on and more to build before we can stand still and enjoy the moment and the stuff we have. Most people are too upset by caring for or feeling overwhelmed by the material things they have, that is hard to feel the joy of using them. Most of the stuff we buy ends up in the trash after minor use only, and then it is shipped to other places in the world where people will use the second-hand items. The beauty of abundance, or the feeling of overflowing , is always available to you when you stop com-paring with those who have more, seem more fulfilled or more confident or happy. Abundant is just who you find out to be when tuning in to your natural self; the one behind the mask of the personality. This source is always abundant , because it is the energetic essence of everything, which is where humans also originate. Just like everything else. Because this is the energetic essence of everything and everything changes, you also have access to this eternal flow of creation and change. We all get born in a family, a world, a universe of our own. It is a unique world and it shapes us in unique ways. It is normal to create a personality structure as we grow. We were all taught how to do this through our parents, government, media, friends, family, etc. Everyone has a personality. Some have a big one, others a small one, and most people do identify with their persona - or mask. This personality is a master creator of drama (as in theatrical drama) and often tries to make it so as if he/she/it is the only real thing that makes up ‘you’. The divided, individual and one and only you, it tries to tell you. It not only creates inside stories and belief structures, but also creates stories in the outside reality: it achieves big degrees or buys a big TV, it builds the biggest house in the street, it creates the best art, walks the biggest mountain, writes the most interesting article, and so on. Just to prove that it exists . This persona is often in the way of the true love that actually gave it life in the first place. It is a temporary mask that tries to confirm that it is the only identity that exists within you, but the bigger being behind is the one that breathes through the mask and gave it life. Many try to mask their power using their personality, only to find out that true fulfillment can never be found in the outside. To come back to abundance: abundance is an aspect of our true self; it lies in the simple fullness and the feeling of deep belonging and connection that the true self simply is. It can see the mechanisms and structures that the personality created in order to sustain itself, and choose to not identify with them. In this state of loving awareness there is no need to fill a hole inside. Life simply is complete, as it always will be and always has been. With us being a part of that marvelous existence as we have always been and will always be. Until forever. Even if you don’t believe that you are abundant, you can still decide to act as if you are, and in this way you’ll find out what is blocking you. Then you can actually jump the hurdles that are in your way, by doing it instead of standing in front of them, trying to figure when to jump. Like this we move the focus to what we want to be (or what we are, in that new timeline), instead of on the energetic blockages that are there only if we choose to stand still and analyze them. For the mind and its structures, which make up the personality and much of the western societies’ structures too, it is hard to understand the magic we create when we do jump. How could I ever quit this job? How will I be able to survive then? How can I do this thing that makes me feel alive when it makes no sense at all? As we are always expanding, just like everything, our future is always uncertain. If we feel fine about what we are doing it makes sense that more of that goodness that we’re already feeling will come to us, together with money or other sorts of abundance, depending on what it is that you are least resistant to. Overflowing abundance is basically that feeling that you simply are complete, you have everything you need and more . It is like a stream of water flowing into a glass. You are the glass and you are full; and there is energy, creativity, life, inspiration, … Enough water is in the glass, and your ever changing and flowing nature requires you to give of yourself and share, or it is not real. The paradox, though, is that you simply cannot give your presence to someone else in order to make them feel the present of your presence. You might make another person dependent on your connection and take away the right they have to their own way to connection and personal power. This would not be real for them. If you do want to help another person access this love that you are connecting to, teach them how to do it for themselves. Abundance is also not about money. It involves money, and we all agree that money is a way of valuing exchange, but it remains a third-dimensional effort to create artificial scarcity. In the beginning, money was always a material form of exchange. It always represented something that came from the Earth or a service done by another human. Money used to be about commodities, services, interactions between humans which involve other parts of the earth (animals, plants, materials, etc.); but it was actually all related to the third (physical) dimension. Now it’s gotten a bit of a strange twist to it as brokers, bankers and investors have become adept at maximizing profit, influencing all of our societies worldwide and creating a mass feeling of lack or scarcity. So we keep running, trying to get to the point where we can finally have enough and rest. But we try on the material level only, that’s the problem. The feeling of abundance is a natural extension of a spiritual and multi-dimensional awareness of being enough. Of being real and in tune with the Mother Earth. She is the one that provides for all our material needs, so being in tune with the Earth and the Cosmos means we are complete on the spiritual and the material planes. This is our best investment. If we start to tune in to the bigger picture, where we open up the rational to the mystical, the physical to the metaphysical, the third dimension to a multi-dimensional way of seeing, reality is less defined (to define means to make it finite). On the metaphysical plane, which coexists with the physical, life becomes malleable, playful, weird and very mysterious. Here we can see that a power much more intelligent is at work, and that we are a part of a cosmic theatre that we are setting up for ourselves to experience. Being abundant means having what we need for doing what we need to do, when we need to do it, within this cosmic theatre that we call life. Connecting with abundance will help to realize ourselves, and our potential, much faster. So trust in the flow. And as more and more people tune in to the mystery, and know that they are held on this mystical planet full of miracles, all of your environment will shift. And your collective environment in direct interaction with it. Where do you want this path to lead? Get in touch if you feel like sharing your experiences in our upcoming Compilation of Life Lines. Have a blessed day…
By Shadi Henau 24 Jul, 2018
It had been a rough day, and I had done a lot of work doing hotel prospections for future journeys during these past days. It was high time I’d go to the beach and relax. So I found myself in a van going to the coast of Chiapas, Mexico. A lovely lady was sat just next to me as we were arriving in the small-time coastal town of Tonala. She had told me that she’s a middle school teacher at the age of 71 and still enjoying it, even though the kids were malcriados , or ‘badly raised’. We were talking about my travels and soon it became pretty clear that this wonderful old lady was a catholic, and that she would love to visit the sacred land of Jerusalem. She had never been out of Mexico, and prayed to God our lord ( mi Diosito nuestro señor, in her own words) that she would be granted the opportunity to one day set foot on the holy lands of Jerusalem. As we continued our conversation, I started talking about my many travels and in an attempt to encourage her to travel to Jerusalem, told her some ways to fly there for cheap. It seemed to dawn on her that she would actually need to travel there, through many cities and foreign lands, in order to get to her destination. I found it so beautiful to see the analogy for a life’s journey. As we are all on a life journey (some have an idea of where they want to go and some don’t) it might bear a significance. Many times, our intentions to go somewhere or be or get something are like setting a course, yet we don’t know what will come on our path. It is also not necessary for a journey’s destination to have to be rigid. Imagine that this lovely elderly lady would undertake the journey to Jerusalem and find that it’s a hard place, and maybe she will miss her place of origin. Maybe she would find, in going away, that the holy land has always been right there where she grew up. Or that many sacred places exist in the world and she does not have to travel far to reach them. In a similar way, maybe she might find another elderly man while she spends a couple of days in Madrid on the way to Jerusalem, and madly fall in love with this widower who loves her with grace and passion. Maybe she might want to stay with this man for the rest of her life and find the holy land in a random place in Spain where they end up living and dying together. It is good to set a course, and follow your dreams, but also to understand that your heart is the compass that is connected to all and will show you which direction to follow. It is still possible to walk east while your heart points south, yet the more you choose to follow your heart’s direction, the easier it becomes to hold that course steadily. After a while you don’t even need to check the compass anymore and just walk towards your goal because you have become so familiar with the ways of the elements around you, and how the omens show themselves. It is like becoming so aligned with the cosmos, understanding that everything is there to show you, that you just simply go with it. It is like understanding the simple physics of oneness, and that when you choose to walk the way of the heart, that all around you aligns to show you that way, any time. Simple. Like a tracker in native cultures, simply guided by the intelligence that exists in all, and being a part of that knowledge at the same time. It is like walking a path of inner discovery that aligns in the outside world, and gives us the chance to discover more of ourselves, little by little. The beauty of this journey is that even though you might have a set destination, you never know which blessings are coming to you on the way there. Simultaneously it is also really valuable to hold a course towards a destination and not change directions the entire time, so balance is essential. It might not be straight forward at first to learn to manage that balance, therefore we want to share some small and practical attention points for helping you to adapt to another way of walking life: Be unafraid to move through blockages This might sound weird, but with awareness it can be very valuable to take choices that can seem unhealthy, unfriendly, or unreliable at first glance. During the whole process of life, whatever your course may be, your greatest asset is your own awareness. A lot of us have been indoctrinated by an old structure which stems from patriarchal ways of domestication and subordination. Because of this, many of the patterns engrained in our subconscious (and also in our bodies) are reflections of this. They can go deep, and sometimes go back several generations and/or lives. For this reason, with awareness and compassion, it is very valuable to allow them to be there to be observed. It doesn’t mean we have to act on them, they can just be observed, and if we do play them out, that is also nothing to be ashamed about. Give yourself the space to experiment with the old and the new, with your discernment and awareness . Find out what is really right for you , in your choice as a free and natural, cosmically connected being. Understand that you are here to play Life is a cabaret… This might sound silly, and in a sense it is, but it’s healthy to remember this is all a big school, and all of us are in it. The only difference with conventional education is that it’s free. Free in the sense that we are living in a free will universe , and that what we choose to believe is true. We truly are sovereign beings which create with lots of power. Just like a child creates a sand castle, we have the power of creation to mold our reality. As we are in essence spiritual beings coming here in a limited and dense 3D mirror, the material aspects of our manifestation are end results of an energy that is flowing through us. There is no need to look outside for spiritual connection, as the third dimension cannot be the beginning of our original nature, which starts in the etheric realms. Manifestation is more about going inward and being creative than struggling to make things work in the outside reality. As Bashar says: “you will be amazed by the synchronicities that will happen.” Of course it is also valuable to create a structure for your ideas or projects to manifest in this world with its (still) relatively slow and limited ways of societal structure. That is what our rational mind excels at. Yet the more people will reconnect to their innate comsic nature, the more our societal structures will become conducive and reflective of that state. Like this we will extend the playground and the mind will find rest in a new world where we can simply be in love. And… Everything happens in the right time The universe is always inside of us, and we are all a divine part of it. As is all of creation. The third dimension is a small part of creation. Be assured that the cosmic intelligence is working, and that it happens in mysterious ways. We might not see the benefit of a series of events while they are happening, but when we do, we can see and trust that all is happening for a reason. Maybe, for example, we really felt like eating in a specific family-owned place, or buying something we don’t think we need because the person selling it is a single mom who needs money to get food for her kids. Maybe our presence in a place we have never thought of going will open up something in someone that otherwise might not have been opened. Like this, all that happens carries within it a certain value, and even though this can be narcissistic from a certain point of view, it also is recognizing the intrinsic value of all the parts of the whole. It the same way a street dog might come and accompany you in the night to walk to your house, giving you the safety and pleasure to watch the stars instead of the fear that someone might try and rob you. And simultaneously this dog can express its talents of guiding you home through the dark and protecting you. As all is carried by intelligence in every moment, and we are setting a course towards somewhere we want to go, or something we want to be, all that is aligns itself to bring us the things we need in the exact right moment that benefits all of existence . This might not be as you expect it, and as linear time is just an illusion, the manifestation of our blessings will come into the linear time scale often sooner than we think. Our rational mind cannot expand to the capacity to grasp that.
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